Amelia Qualtrough

Hi, I'm Amelia

I'm a software engineer with a background in data analysis, based in London

Actively seeking a developer role

Photo of Amelia

Technical Skills

I've just completed The Jump Digital School's 12-week, full-time, full-stack Software Engineering Bootcamp
JavaScript: ES6+, AJAX & APIs - REST and GraphQL, Animation (Greensock & Three.js), Graphing (d3.js) & Realtime, Next.js, OAuth
React: Hooks, context, Material UI
Testing: TypeScript, Cypress, Jest
Node.js: Vanilla & Express
Databases: MySQL, NoSQL - MongoDB with Mongoose.js, Redis, Firebase
DevOps: Docker & Kubernetes, Vercel (inc. pipelines), serverless (inc. Netlify)
CSS3: Responsive design, Flexbox & CSS Grid, pre-processors (SASS), and CSS frameworks
HTML5: Semantically correct for accessibility and SEO

My Recent Projects

React projects

Hospitality Hunt screenshot

Hospitality Hunt

Hospitality Hunt is a full-stack group project aiming to link up freelancers looking for jobs in hospitality to businesses. Users can create a profile and add or browse jobs or freelancers. Some other features are the ability to add a photo taken with the React webcam, JOI validation, search based on location using the OpenWeatherMap API, automatic emails to new users using a third-party service

Technology used: React, Redux, JOI, SQL database, SHA256, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Weather forecast screenshot

Weather Forecast

React app that returns the local weather forecast based on either geo-location or location input by the user

Technology used: React, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

CSS projects

End of the Road screenshot

End of the Road

Homage site replicating the End of the Road festival website homepage

Technology used: HTML5, CSS3
Four-card feature screenshot

Four Card Feature

Multi-column responsive layout using Flexbox

Technology used: HTML5, CSS3

JavaScript projects

Rock Paper Scissors screenshot

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors game: Try to beat the computer - first to five wins!

Technology used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Etch-A-Sketch screenshot


Etch-A-Sketch grid: Choose the number of grid cells on the board and draw a picture either in black or in rainbow colours

Technology used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Get in touch